Friday, November 30, 2012

Now I'm the Parent.....

So there comes a time when you have to give the teacher a phone call....

I'm used to being on the other end of this deal--the teacher.  Now I'm the parent.  Ashlyn has been complaining off and on about another student 'touching' her.  It's nothing inappropriate but rather just bugging her.  I mentioned it to her teacher  a couple of months ago when it wasn't such a big deal.  They had sat beside each other so the teacher moved the little boy.  Well Ashlyn kinda broke down before beditme the other night about him bugging her and 'he just won't leave me alone.'  So I wrote the teacher a note.  Ashlyn said it continued the next day and I didn't have a response to the note so my response was, "that's it, I'm calling her."

Let me stop here and say that I LOVE Ashlyn's teacher and her school.  She has been there since she was one.  I wouldn't want her anywhere else for preschool and she is learning so much.  However, I've never really seen this side of Ashlyn(not counting fighting with her sister).  Ashlyn is usually the aggressor.  So I called her teacher.  To make a long story short, yes the kid is pretty much bugging her.  He wants to sit beside her in class, chapel, lunch, stand by her in line, and play with her at recess.   However, Ashlyn has a little group of friends that have been in school together for the last few years and they only want to play with each other(Colbie and Carter being two of them).  The teacher thinks Peyton has a little crush on her and is trying to join their little group.  Dare I say clique at age 4?

It was a weird feeling being on the parent side of the phone call and the first time where I had the 'don't mess with my kid' feeling.  I'm sure there will be plenty more of these stops on the road of life but I think I'll consider this one a yield.....

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