Monday, January 21, 2013

A Day Off--yeah right

I don't really consider today a day off work because I have been doing laundry and cleaning all day.  I have an appt. for an oil change later which is always fun dragging two kids along.  Chloe pulled out a glitter stick and wanted to make a pretty picture.  Did I mention that there was more on my hardwood floor than on her paper?  I have lesson plans to write and papers to check.  Do I turn on the TV and let it entertain them while I get some things done?  Does that make me a bad mother????

On a side note, I just signed up to run the Color Run on April 6 with a bunch of friends.  I ran last night after the kids went to bed and I got some work done.  That means that I was running at 11 pm.  Obviously I can't be doing that during the week.  Dare I get up early and run?

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