Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A God Moment For Sure

Today in my Bible Study class we talked about God Moments.  I definitely had one today......

The day that we put Shelby, our dog, down, the kids had Awana.  When Ashlyn came home, she had a Bible in her bag.  She asked my husband to read from it and when he opened it up, it had the name Shelby on the inside.  We asked Ashlyn who gave her the Bible and did someone write that inside.  She said she didn't know but thought her teacher gave it to her.  She knows the teacher well and we assumed that Ashlyn went in and told them about Shelby and that maybe her teacher sent it home with her for comfort.  So tonight, I took the kids to Awana and one of the teachers stops me and asks if a white Bible went home with us the other week.  I said yes and she said it belonged to another girl in the class.  I proceeded to tell her about our dog passing away that day and we weren't sure if it was a gift or not and Ashlyn wasn't sure.  She said that it belonged to Shelby, a girl in the class.  How ironic is it that there is a girl in the class named Shelby, our dog's name was Shelby, and Ashlyn comes home with a Bible with the name Shelby in it the day that we put her down???  What a God moment!

We don't always take the time to look for God in our daily life.  It usually happens when we are praying or really searching for something in a time of need.  God is with us each and every moment and we need to take the time to see Him.  Think about your day.  Did you have any God moments?

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