Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You Stink

Lately Chloe has been saying "You Stink!" to whomever makes her mad.  For example:

Ashlyn:  Chloe do you want to play mommy?
Chloe:  No I want to be the mommy
Ash:  No I'm the mommy
Chloe:  No I am.  You stink!

Random boy at McDonalds play area:  Do you want to play with me?
Chloe:  No.  You stink!

Me:  Chloe you need to eat the rest of your dinner.
(a few minutes pass)
Me:  Chloe are you done?
Chloe:  Yes
Me:  No you need to eat two more bites.
Chloe:  No.  I don't want to.  You stink!
Me:  What?
Chloe:  I love you mommy.
Chloe:  Does that make your feelings feel better?

Don't let this sweet face fool you!!!!!!!!

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