Monday, February 11, 2013

Skating with a Bully

The kids' school has had skate night all year and we finally made one.  It was actually a good deal.  It was $5 a kid and they gave me back $2 in quarters for games so it only came out to $8 total.  At first, they didn't like it.  Ashlyn was so excited to go "ice" skating and she thought there would be snow.  Well it was roller skating and harder than she thought.  The rolly thing that she is using is normally $3 to rent but was free with the school deal.  So that helped.  She did better the more she tried.  She said she wants to go back.

Chloe, on the other hand, skated for a minute and then decided it was more fun to run around the rink in her socks pushing the rolly thing.  Ashlyn wanted me to video her skating for daddy so I did.  I didn't realize until watching the video that Chloe was knocking people down.  Fortunately the boy in the video that she knocks down is a boy in Ashlyn's class.  How I didn't see it while videoing is beyond me.  She has really turned into quite the bully.  I never dreamed that she would be our difficult child since her first two years of life were so easy going....  I can't imagine what the teenage years will look like.......

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