Sunday, March 3, 2013

Am I raising teenagers???

So it was a good weekend.  However I caught myself many times questioning whether or not my kids were teenagers.  Here's the prime example:

Dress shopping for Easter and picture day at school:  Every dress I held up, Chloe loved.  Every dress that I held up, Ashlyn hated.  She tells me she doesn't like my choices and that I just don't know what a pretty dress looks like.  She also made comments that her friends wouldn't even wear that one.  What, you are 4 years old!!  When I told her that a certain dress was too fancy(looked like a flower girl dress), she said, "Seriously, mom?  I am fancy!"  Oh boy.  So Brandon was on the other side of the store looking at something.  When he came back, she dissed all of his choices too.  So we went home with fancy.

Chloe is a three year old trapped in a teenager's body.  We have said this for a long time.  She is witty, sarcastic, and smart mouthed--all of which we are not proud of......  There are times where I have to try and keep a straight face while punishing her.  For example:

We went to the movies.  On the way out, Chloe had to go to the potty.  I took her while Brandon and Ashlyn went to the car.  We get in there and she won't let me go in the stall with her.  So I stand outside the door.  Nobody else is in there.  Then an old lady enters the bathroom and goes in the stall beside Chloe.  Obviously something didn't agree with her.  This conversation ensues:

Chloe: Mommy are you going potty?
Me:  (quietly) No
Chloe:  What is all of that noise?
Me:  Chloe just go potty.
Chloe:  Wow someone has gas!
Me:  Finish up and let's go.
Chloe:  That's loud.
10 seconds later
Chloe:  Someone stinks!

Chloe then comes out and we raced out of there not even washing hands.  We get in the car and I tell Brandon what happened.....

Brandon:  Chloe did someone have gas in the bathroom?
Chloe:  For REAL!

I can't imagine what the teenage years will look like.

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