Thursday, June 28, 2012

Date Night

Brandon and I had an impromptu date night.  Stacey was going to watch the kids for a little while this afternoon so I could do some laundry/packing/cleaning since yesterday my ear was hurting too much to move.  Well I got a good bit done today so she watched them and Brandon and I went to Mimi's Cafe.  It was nice.  THe kids were thrilled to go play with their cousins.  Tomorrow we will be leaving for our trip to PA.  We have a few stops planned on the way so probably won't get there until Saturday night or Sunday morning.  So please pray for safe travels and parental sanity.....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Guess who has an ear infection?

ME ME ME.  Yes it is me.  AHHHHH!!!  I woke up last night with an ear ache.  I went back to bed only to wake up again with horrific ear pain.  I don't know how else to describe it.  So I became a google doctor when i couldn't sleep.  I broke out some ibuprofen and a heating pad and managed to get a few zzzzzzzzzzzs.  This morning I hauled the kids to the doctor aka CVS minute clinic.  The doctor said it looked really bad.  She asked how long I was having pain and if I had been digging in it.  last night and no were my honest answers and she didn't believe me.  Oh well, I now have my meds and hoping tomorrow will be better.  Once my ibuprofen starts to wear off, the pain comes back and I can't stand it.  Luckily the kids were good because my ear is sick.  Chloe even gave me her Ellie elephant blankie and told me to put it on my ear.  I realized today that we are always going and are rarely home. How did I come to this realization??  Hearing the words "Where are we going today?" about a hundred times.  Finally I had to tell them that it hurts my ear if they keep asking that question which is partially true.  So hopefully I can go get some sleep!!!!!!!!

PS  I doubt anyone wanted to see a picture of my ear so I posted a picture of what my kids wear when they are home alone.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today we went to Suwanee Town Center.  It is a really fun (free) time.  We went to Playtown Suwanee first and the kids played mainly in the sand.  Did I mentioned I just cleaned out my car?  Then we went over to the fountains, ate lunch, played ball, etc.  It was a great time.  For some reason, Chloe likes to lay down in the water.  Ashlyn wasn't afraid of the big one either.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mommy, Chloe's door is open and she's not in her bed!!

Chloe never came out of her bedroom.....until she turned three.  What?  Yeah that's what I was thinking.  She comes out for random things--to use the potty, ice in her cup, rock me, and I just want my mommy.  She never used to do this when she was two!  As a matter of fact, we never, ever had a problem with her sleeping.  From day 1 we put her in bed and she went to sleep.  So I had to break out the safety lock I used to have on Ashlyn's door to keep her in(like a caged animal I know).  Well her door must need some adjusting because she can put her little fingers in the side and pull it open.  Anyways, last night she woke up at 3 am and I put her back in bed.  Then I heard her at six o'clock.  She said mommy twice and then it was silent.  Ashlyn woke up at 8 yelling, "Mommy Chloe's door is open and she's not in her room!"  Ahhhh. .......She was sleeping at the top of the stairs by the balcony.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Chore Chart Cheater

Chloe has really come into her own over the past year.  She used to do whatever we said, give in to all of Ashlyn's commands, and was such a pleasant baby.  Then she turned two and our world changed.  Now she is three and I've heard that could be worse.  Let's hope not. Anyways, the kids each have chore charts that include four "chores" and each night they could get a sticker in each spot.  At the end of the week if they have 5 of 7 in each category, they get a prize.  Chloe's four things this week were:

1.  Do not come out of your room at night(she recently started doing this)
2.  Put your dirty dishes in the sink
3.  Brush your teeth
4.  Clean up your toys

Well, needless to say, Chloe didn't get many stickers this week.  (She did get all of the brushing teeth stickers.)  So during nap, she got the chart and proceeded to put all of the stickers on it for the week.  That night, when I went to fill in her chart, I asked where all of these stickers came from and she couldn't stop smiling.  Her response was, "I didn't have enough for a prize so I put more on."  Nice try Chloe.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome Ducky #2

Well it's been awhile......  However this time I'm going to try and update and write on here(instead of Facebook).  We shall see how it goes this time:).  Recently Ashlyn turned four and Chloe turned three.  Their personalities just crack us up.  Chloe is still attached to her ducky that she has had since birth.  Well we went to Suwanee Towne Center last week and came home without ducky.  We were at the park, fountain, and a caboose so there was little hope in finding it.  She cried for it.  She finally went to sleep but Brandon, being the great daddy that he is, drove to Suwanee and searched for ducky.  He checked the caboose, hopped a fence and searched the playground with a flashlight, went to the frozen yogurt place, and the fountain.  Ducky is officially MIA.  He then went to Babies R Us where we purchased it three years ago.  They don't have any more duckies!!  To make matters worse, Chloe was crying at the top of the stairs after Brandon left on his search.  She said, "Mommy, I'm going to sit right here and wait for daddy to see if he finds it."  She went to sleep after I rocked her but it was the saddest, most pitiful face.  So we found a similar one on amazon and ordered it.  We weren't sure how it would go, but it came today and she is soooooo happy.  Ashlyn, on the other hand, said, "ummmm that's not ducky."  Chloe didn't seem to care and all is right in the Pemberton household again.