Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Time at Corinth

Ashlyn and Chloe have gone to Corinth Baptist Academy since they were one.  We have loved it there but next year will be different.  Ashlyn will be in Kindergarten and Chloe will be doing Georgia PreK at Kid's Harbor with 13 other teacher kids from Cooper.  Isn't that crazy???  Anyways, their last program at CBA was this past week.  It was patriotic.  They both did a great job.  Chloe wasn't as loud as normal and kept looking around at everyone else.  Ashlyn was the loudest person in her class.  HA HA.  Here are a few pictures beginning with my favorite.

Chloe getting ready to sing.  

These three have been together for the past three years.  They are great kids and have great parents.  I'll miss them being together although it is possible that Ashlyn and Carter are in the same class in Kindergarten

I always think Chloe is small until I see her next to a few of her classmates.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You're on the Strawberry List

I don't know how or why but one day Ashlyn was playing with Brandon and told him he better stop it or she was going to 'put him on the strawberry list.'  So now whenever someone gets in trouble (at school or home) she pulls out her list with the strawberry(that she drew) on top and writes down their name.

Anyone who knows Ashlyn knows what a picky eater she is.  Not anymore!  She is eating all sorts of new foods and liking it.  Oh and guess what?  Strawberries just happen to be one of them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ashlyn's Birthday Party

Ashlyn is five and everyone knows it.  She keeps telling Chloe (and anyone else who will listen) about all of the wonderful things you do when you are five.  To name a few:

*You get to go to Kindergarten
*You get to ride the bus
*You lose teeth in your mouth and the toothfairy comes
*You eat new food
*You take showers by yourself
*You go to public bathrooms alone
*Ride your bike without training wheels
etc. etc.

I don't know where she got some of these answers.  I told her that 5 year olds don't whine, they always listen their parents, clear their dinner plates, clean up toys without being asked, and always have good manners.  Somehow those didn't make her list.  I will admit that I like the 'eating new food'.  She used to be so so picky but has been eating all sorts of new healthy foods.  Oh, and I don't let her go to public restrooms alone:)

For her birthday party, we went to the gym where the kids did games in the gym and rock climbing.  It was a good time had by all.  The parents even did some rock climbing.  I guess this is where I confess to slipping on the wall and hitting the back of my arm on a peg which left a huge purple bruise.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Funny Prayers Again.....

Bits and pieces of Ashlyn's prayer tonight:

"Thank you Lord for all of the people in the world Lord even the ones on Jupiter and Mars."

"Thank you for my mommy, daddy, chloe, and shelby and everyone else you put in this world that didn't die yet."

"Can you please help Chloe to close her eyes when I pray?"

 It was so hard to keep from laughing tonight.

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Few Laughs

1.  Ashlyn had to get bloodwork to check her thyroid.  With vitiligo, she could have a thyroid condition.  Fortunately her tests came back normal.  She has had bloodwork a few times and never cried.  However she had it done at Children's with a popsicle in hand.  This time the pediatrician said we could do it at the lab by the doctor's office if I felt she would do ok.  If she screamed and threw a fit, they would have to send us to Children's.  I took her to the office, she did great, no tears, just a little flinch, and then she watched it.  On the way home, she asked when we had to go back.  I told her we didn't.  Then she asked how they were going to put the blood back in.

2.  The last three nights Chloe has complained of her stomach hurting.  We thought she was having sympathy pains because Brandon has been in and out of the doctor because his stomach hurts.  The third night Brandon asked if she needed to go to the doctor.  She said yes.  Then he said that the doctor might have to give her a shot to make her feel better and she said ok.  That's when we knew something was wrong.  (or did we??)  So on the way down the stairs that night, Brandon tells me I should probably go ahead and make an appointment.  I'm almost at the bottom of the stairs when she calls me back up.  I go in and she is crying about her stomach.  She kept saying, "it's doing it again."  I asked what was doing it again and she says, "It keeps making a grrrr sound and I'm hungry."  OMG.  I went and got her some crackers and she was fine.  How embarrassed would I have been if I took her to the doctor for hunger pains?  MOM OF THE YEAR

3.  At dinner Ashlyn asked how old you are when you are in college.  We said that you usually start at age 18.  Then she states that she is getting married at 18.  We told her that was too young.  Then she says that Carter told her that his mommy said they had to wait until college to get married.  Chloe then announces that she is going to marry Joshua and have a baby in her belly.  Brandon jokes that she can't marry Joshua so Chloe says she'll marry Avery.  Ashlyn says, "That's a good idea.  Then you can have more babies."  Brandon and I kind of looked at each other funny.  Then Ashlyn adds, "If she marries Avery, they can both have babies."  Oh of course.  What were we thinking??